Egypt In November

Weather in Egypt in November

The weather in Egypt in November is very good in the day and a little cool at night.

The summer has gone and so too has daytime siesta’s. The temperature is good all day and cool in the evenings maybe requiring a jumper or flees. One of the best months temperature wise as it’s good in the day but not chilly at night.

Alexandria is still warm in the day and bit cool at night.

Average temperature during the day in October in Alexandria is 24 degrees and a low of 14 degrees at night.

Climate in Cairo is similar to Egypt and is really nice during the day in November with possibly the need for a flees in the evenings.

Average temperature during the day in October in Cairo is 24 degrees and a low of 12 degrees at night.

A trip to Egypt will never disappoint in any month of the year but Egypt In Nov has a great deal to offer. So what are you waiting for? Start looking for your next holiday now and maybe you will spending your next holiday in Egypt In Nov!>