Summer in Egypt
The temperature in Egypt during the summer months is 28 ° C on average, with a minimum of 22º. That’s quite hot for visitors, and remember that in the desert there is not much shade.
Winter in Egypt
The average temperature in January and February are 14 ° C, with a minimum of 9. It is better than in summer, although at night it’s best to have a jacket.
Best time to travel to Egypt
If we only consider the climate, the mildest months are March, April, October and November. If you choose these months, you won’t regret your choice. Minimum of 14º and 20º.

Egypt Weather
The climate in Egypt and temperatures
Egypt in general is a hot, dry and arid country but the climate in the Nile Delta and Upper Egypt Valley is different. The Delta has a moderate climate with summer temperatures between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius and high humidity, a Mediterranean climate. The rest of the country is dry and can reach temperatures of over 50 degrees at times. The desert nights can be cool and heat difference is very marked.
From April to May is a great time to travel and enjoy some heat without being overbearing.
In the Red Sea water temperature is nice but due to strong currents can become very cold, but usually is warm in summer. Throughout this coast and Sinai wind blows almost daily and it ideal for practising certain water sports.
Egypt Weather
- Weather in Egypt in January
- Weather in Egypt in February
- Weather in Egypt in March
- Weather in Egypt in April
- Weather in Egypt in May
- Weather in Egypt in June
- Weather in Egypt in July
- Weather in Egypt in August
- Weather in Egypt in September
- Weather in Egypt in October
- Weather in Egypt in November
- Weather in Egypt in December