Egypt In December

Weather in Egypt in December

The weather in Egypt in December is very good in the day but can be cold at night. 

The days are like spring in England and no need for any sun creams. The sun is warm but does not burn unless your sun bathing and exposed it if for a length of time. The Egypt Villa has many fire places and a oil filled radiator in very room to keep you warm at night.

Average temperature during the day in December in Egypt is 22 degrees and a low of 10 degrees at night.

Alexandria is warm by day and chilly at night and has the odd downpour.

Average temperature during the day in December in Alexandria is 20 degrees and a low of 11 degrees at night.

Climate in Cairo is similar to Egypt and is really nice during the day in December with a need for a flees in the evenings and unlike Egypt has the odd downpour.

Average temperature during the day in December in Cairo is 20 degrees and a low of 10 degrees at night.

Average temperature during the day in December in Cairo is 20 degrees and a low of 10 degrees at night.

A trip to Egypt will never disappoint in any month of the year but Egypt In Dec has a great deal to offer. So what are you waiting for? Start looking for your next holiday now and maybe you will spending your next holiday in Egypt In Dec!