Compare Hotel Prices in Sharm El Sheikh

Prices per person for 2 weeks all-inclusive

The Savoy  £1658 Maritim Jolie Ville Golf £ 987  (Poor Beach frontage) Maritim Royal Peninsula £ 856  (No beach) Baron Palms £ 835 Mirabel Club £ 672 (Poor relation to the fully booked expensive Mirabel Beach) Sultan Gardens £ 636

These are all hotels where I would be happy to return but out of all of them the Sultan Gardens is by far the best value for money. Forgetting the Savoy which is not worth the money, the Maritim Golf would be my favourite for the closest to true 5*  but the beach frontage is poor and some things are not so good at quiet times when you get these prices (it costs a fortune at other times).  I wouldn’t bother with the Peninsula unless it beat the Sultan Gardens prices by a fair bit and more so the Mirabel Club.

The Sultan Gardens is being run in a similar way to the Baron Palms with additional restaurants where you can eat as part of the AI package but the Baron beats it hands down on this front at the moment.  However, coming back to the point, it’s costing you £200 extra for this facility at the Baron  and frankly there is not much to choose between the resorts otherwise.  The Baron is perhaps a little classier and has a more varied food choice but it has one major problem.  The queues for sunbeds start at 6am for the pool opening at 7am.

This is a quick illustration for all the moaners that say their hotel is not 5 ***** without taking into account what they pay.

First – if you want true 5* then expect to pay 5 star prices.  If you haven’t realised it by now, wake up to the fact that our package holiday industry makes it’s own rules up and 5* simply means it’s better than 4* which is better than 3* etc.

The nature of what we do on this site means that we pretty well always go last minute and yes you can get some real bargains but on the whole these bargains tend not to be repeatable as any hotel with a good management team will address reasons why they need to drop prices so low to attract customers.  So on the whole if somewhere is cheap all the time, last minute or not, there is something not quite right.

When I travel with my sister we go cheap – she’s on a tight budget and its not her main holiday.  When I travel with my husband I like a bit of luxury, waiters running round after me with time to chat etc., food that’s exceptional and varied and so on.  So what I am prepared to accept when I holiday with my sister I would not be too thrilled about when I’m with my husband.  The difference is THE PRICE I PAID!!!!!

I would very much like to see the Sultan Gardens go up market.  I think the resort it self and the management team they have could make an excellent job of the beating places like the Maritim and the Baron hands down.  However what they have at the moment appears to be working very well for them.