Holiday Reviews Kenzi Europa

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Agadir Morocco


Kenzi Europa Agadir Morocco

Nov 8, 2019 If you’re going to this hotel make sure you take plenty of stomach upset tablets – we arrived on Monday and by Wednesday had the most awful stomach cramps and could not keep of the toilet. needless to say had food poisoning from the awful luke warm food that they dished out. few English people the bar staff very ignorant and would not give my 11 year old son 2 bottles of water even though we were all inclusive. definitely wont be going back.




Nov 10, 2019 Where do I start? Well to keep it brief, I checked the reviews before I booked and didn’t believe it could be as bad as people said it was (more fool me). After looking at the pictures of the place I was convinced people must have been “too fussy” (how wrong was I)


Firstly I would rate the Kenzi Europa hotel a good 2* definitely not a 5*. This definitely needs to be looked at because the most ‘misleading’ statement they could make.

The pictures look great but when you get close up in the flesh EVERYTHING is dirty! there is no such thing as a ‘non-smoking’ room as they all smell of nicotine and all the furnishings overthrows, curtains, headboards etc are ‘sticky’ with nicotine Yuck! We asked to change our room 3 times when we arrived because there is a pungent smell lingering in most of the rooms…we settled for less of a view to get away from the smell.


The food was diabolical, I can usually find something to eat in a foreign country but this food was rank! Most people @ the hotel had stomach upsets at some point and one guy who was there introduced us to his wife as they were leaving on their last day, we didn’t even know he HAD a wife!! she was in her room ALL week with a runny tummy!!!

I could never had brought my kids here or they would have starved all week..although one couple’s daughter lets call her ‘C’ WHO WAS ONLY 13 managed to find something daily and didn’t complain once!! credit to the girl….


The staff were friendly enough as were the locals.

The all inclusive drink range consisted of 3 spirits and 1 bottled beer/lager coke and lemonade oh and water… that’s it!!


The whole resort is one big building site .. I’m sure in say 20 years they may have it right but for now I wouldn’t send my dog there!!

I know its a third world country but that’s no excuse, we checked out other hotels while we were there to compare and believe me you can get a lot better for less money!

Overall the only plus was the weather! hot hot hot!!


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