Bel Air Beach Resort Hurghada

Wondering about where to go on holiday? We are pleased to announce that Worldwide Holiday Packages will soon be posting more articles on where to go on holiday, holiday events in Hurghada and in the whole south Sinai. Local News, Special offers from hotels such as Bel Air Beach Resort Hurghada, Announcements for latest events, Openings of new Hotels, Diving centers and Clubs. All is now available at your finger tips so let us help with hotel for your vacation. Be a frequent visitor, we have some really exotic hotels, and make use of our fast growing, free of charge services before you book your vacation to the resort in Hurghada. Let us help turn your next holiday into the trip of a lifetime!

Looking for Holiday Reviews for the Bel Air Beach Resort Hurghada?

Bel Air Beach Resort Hurghada Holiday Reviews

Bel Air Beach Resort Hurghada

“Wir würden nicht noch mal hinfahren. Für eine Woche war es okay, allerdings mehr auch nicht. Dies war Urlaub in”

“Ein nettes kleines, famileienfreundliches Hotel mit sehr freundlichem Personal, dass gern die Wünsche der Gäste erfüllt. Gute Unterhaltungsmöglichkeiten im Hotel”

“c’était magnifique!!! le service fut irreprochable les gens qui y travaillaient furent chaleureux, acceuillant, respectueux. l’hotel en lui même était”

Hurghada Hotels

… more Hurghada Hotels

Some ideas for stuff to do in Egypt

Check-out the map for suitable areas!.

  • Visit Royal Jewelry Museum. (Alexandria)
  • See the treasures of the heavenly cathedral. (Cairo)
  • Great Sand Sea Glass of the Libyan Desert (Al Wahat Ad Dakhlah) Even King Tut was intrigued by the glass of the Great Sand Sea.
  • Enjoy cable wakeboarding in Hurghada. (Hurghada)
  • Enjoy cable wakeboarding in Hurghada. (Hurghada)

More Hotels in Egypt

Bel Air Beach Resort Hurghada

Hurghada Taxis

Take a Taxi to Hurghada

Egypt is an absolute nightmare for auto travel and getting to the Bel Air Beach Resort Hurghada or nearby resorts can get a real pain. So why not take a pre-booked taxi and arrive at your hotel relaxed? You really don’t want to take a random taxi, even at the airport, so try and book a reputable Hurghada taxi firm in advance.

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