Aqua Blu Resort Hurghada

Wondering about sorting holidays? We are pleased to announce that Worldwide Holiday Packages will soon be posting more articles on sorting holidays, holiday events in Hurghada and in the whole south Sinai. Local News, Special offers from hotels such as Aqua Blu Resort Hurghada, Announcements for latest events, Openings of new Hotels, Diving centers and Clubs. All is now available at your finger tips so let us help with accommodation for your next trip. Be a frequent visitor, we have some of the most amazing value hotels, and make use of our fast growing, free of charge services before you book your next trip to the resort in Hurghada. Let us help turn your next holiday into the vacation of a lifetime!

Looking for Holiday Reviews for the Aqua Blu Resort Hurghada?

Aqua Blu Resort Hurghada Holiday Reviews

Aqua Blu Resort Hurghada

“This was our second trip to Egypt, first was to Sharm which was last year in March 08. Firstly Egypt was discovered as a mass holiday destination by Russia and the Eastern Europeans well before the British started going, so you would expect lots of them there on holiday, do we not live in a multicultural society in the UK”

“it looks nice in the pics but im sorry they must of done a bit of air-brushing. went there in may 2 weeks of fun !!!!1 Mate and i had booked and paid for a room each . did not happen sat Tv for having a laugh… bbc news 24 if your greman, polish or arabic then you might be”

“From the moment we arrived at the Aua Blu we knew that we had made a mistake in booking this hotel, we are a family of 4 and was given a grotty room with 2 single beds and a put up camp bed, we immediatley went straight back to reception to ask for another room as this was by far”

“As many of the more recent reviews have stated this resort was not the disaster that previous reviews have made it out to be. On the whole the experience was really positive. The Aqua Blu is part of the Pickalbratos group of which there are a cluster of within the vicinity of Aqua Blu, not really sure how much you”

“It is designed for the mass cheap Eastern European market not recomended for the very minority British. Having booked 5 months prevously via Querty Travel & You Travel, on arrival no room allocated no apology either, told you share with another unknown couple and sleep? first night on prevously used day beds!!! Bad start.!! Resort is one of three linked”

“I have just got bach from this hotel, will be returning mid september. the food was good plenty of choice and lots of it. from pizza to steaks its all there. the staff are fantastic and always on hand they will do everything to make your stay enjoyable. the hotel is very clean infact looks as if we were the”

“just come home from aqua blue after reading reviews about the food ,was a we bit worried but after a week of great food at all the resuarants i canot see how people can write anything bad about the cuisine. I canot say a bad thing about this hotel apart from the arogant and rude russians sombody needs to teach”

“After arriving at the hotel we were overwhelmed at the magnificent reception and decor of the front of house and into the hotel itself. The facilities were fantastic , rooms were spacious and spotless with clean laundry of bedding and towels everyday. The staff were fabulous and very courteous and catered for all our needs around the clock. The pools”

“Hurghada is one massive building site, with thousands of unfinished buildings, surrounded by desert. This resort hotel is a very attractive oasis, which is (currently) set aside from most of the chaos, about 10-15 minutes drive from the airport and town centre. The first things that strike you on approach are the extensive gardens of the grounds. These are beautifully”

Hurghada Hotels

… more Hurghada Hotels

Some ideas for interesting things to do in Egypt

Use the map for suitable areas!.

  • Learn about the Colossi of Memnon statues. (Cairo)
  • The Lost City of Heracleion (Alexandria) An ancient city exhumed from the depths of the ocean.
  • Explore the Nubian village. (Marsa Alam)
  • Walk in Wadi Hitan National Park. (Giza)
  • Walk in Wadi Hitan National Park. (Giza)

More Hotels in Egypt

Aqua Blu Resort Hurghada

Hurghada Taxis

Take a Taxi to Hurghada

Egypt is an absolute nightmare for auto travel and getting to the Aqua Blu Resort Hurghada or nearby resorts can get a real pain. So why not take a pre-booked taxi and arrive at your hotel relaxed? You really don’t want to take a random taxi, even at the airport, so try and book a reputable Hurghada taxi firm in advance.

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